On December 23, 2003, in the facing the impact of climate change and its effects on our health, environment, and economy, a group of environmental experts, engineers, physicians, and jurists agreeing with the priority of the United Nations on its ambitious 2030 agenda decided to put in place the necessary strategies for improving the lives of people around the world, which is based on sustainable development, and environment protection.
Climate change affects the food production, the oxygen we respire, the water we drink, and the places that provide us with shelter.
Additionally, climate change can impact populations' health and well-being by spreading diseases caused by extreme weather and flooding.
Our aim is within the context of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to provide valuable insights into the impact of climate change on various aspects of health and offer suggestions for mitigation and adaptation.
To serve as a comprehensive vital resource that delves into the multifaceted ways in which climate change directly influences health and for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the intersection between climate change and health.
Most importantly, provide the means to effectively address these critical issues related to the impacts of Climate Change in the Congo rainforest and the well-being of the people.
To serve as to empower individuals, communities, cities, and policymakers in the DRC to take proactive steps toward safeguarding the Congo rainforest, public health in an era of climate change.
Impact of climate change on various aspects of health and offer suggestions for mitigation and adaptation.
Public and political awareness on agriculture and mitigate against deforestation of the Congo' rainforest.
But our actions go beyond simply discussing the challenges. We are committed to offering practical suggestions and strategies for mitigation and adaptation tailored to the unique context of the DRC. This includes recommendations for healthcare infrastructure improvements to cope with climate-induced health crises, strategies for enhancing food security in the face of changing agricultural conditions, mitigate against deforestation, and promoting community resilience through education and awareness campaigns.
To sensitize public and political awareness on agricultural research and extension services, technology development in least developed countries.
To launch investments including through improved international cooperation in environmental protection, rural infrastructure, and to educate the population to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.